Ministry Partner Opportunities
Dear friend and ministry partner,
Right now, a girl in our community is seeking safe shelter and longing for the love of a supportive family. Though her story is unique, her circumstances are not. More than 23,000 kids will age out of foster care this year, becoming instantly homeless on their 18th birthdays.
As a Saving Grace Ministry Partner, YOU open the door for girls aging out of foster care to find safe, stable shelter, food, and clothing at Saving Grace. As a church, you ensure that her story is known in the community. Through your generous partnership of “Grace” in her ongoing journey to health and healing, you get a front-row seat to watch God work through this community to break the cycle of poverty in her life and for generations to come.
We invite you and your church to partner with us through monthly giving and community outreach opportunities.
Your support will provide safe housing, food, and clothing for each young woman as she works hard in our program—and allow her to experience the love of Jesus through our community of mentors, staff, and volunteers who lovingly guide her toward independence.
Your ongoing support will keep the doors of Saving Grace open to young women needing a safe place to call home.
Thank you for being a light for “Grace!”
Co-founder & Executive Director, Saving Grace NWA

2022-2023 Ministry Partner Impact
Giving Opportunities
$100/month • $1,200/annually
$300/month • $3,600/annually
$600/month • $7,200/annually
$1,500/month • $13,800/annually
Serving Opportunities
As a Saving Grace Ministry Partner, we desire to build an ongoing relationship with you and your church. Not only is financial support vital to sustaining the ongoing mission God has called us to, but the most precious resource you have to give—your time—is equally significant.
Saving Grace is a local missions outreach right here in Northwest Arkansas! We have many opportunities for your church to serve.
Join community workdays on the 2nd Saturday of each month.
Customize a week-long missions outreach program.
Schedule a day of service.
Share ongoing volunteer opportunities with your church.
As a generous Ministry Partner, you will recieve:
A poster with information about your partnership with Saving Grace to hang in your lobby.
A yearly video greeting that will share a special story about one of our young women and the impact your church is making in her life.
Your church will be mentioned on our website as a Saving Grace Ministry Partner.
Joy in knowing that your church is helping to share the gospel with vulnerable young women in such a tangible way, right here in our community.
We have a number of service opportunities that your church can participate in year-round as desired.
Saving Grace is committed to serving as a resource in the community for those in need. You can always reach out to us for help connecting others to resources.
Ministry Partner Agreement
Please write church name exactly as you want it to appear in all event media.